Monday, June 18, 2012

TSB Magazine Hires two new Dating and Relationships Authors ...

TSB Magazine Hires two new Dating and Relationships Authors

Hoboken, NJ (PRWEB) June 16, 2012

TSB Magazine, a web site that publishes dating advice and general men?s interest stories on a daily basis, has added two new authors to its list of contributors.

Alex Matlock will now be writing regular columns on TSB that will showcase his expertise on the subject of dating. Matlock has studied female psychology and is currently working towards his PhD in the field of Social Psychology.

Ian Mackay, the magazine?s other new contributor, focuses on writing articles that give advice on fostering self-confidence and a positive, action-oriented attitude. He is known for using examples from popular culture to help illustrate his ideas. Currently based in the UK, Mackay runs the web site Alpha Male Examples, which shares advice and insights that are designed to help readers create an ?alpha male? lifestyle for themselves.

A few samples of Matlock?s work are already online at TSB. The subject matter of these articles includes college dating, picking up women, building a relationship, the ins and outs of online dating, and even advice on how to date multiple women at the same time. Matlock?s early TSB offerings have titles like ?How to Go from Hook Up to Relationship,? How to Date Multiple Women,? and ?The Guide to Hooking Up on Campus.? These articles all blend psychological theory with straightforward and simple advice that is meant to be applicable in a variety of situations.

Matlock is already a successful dating writer. His site, the Player Guide, shares seduction, dating, and relationship advice with readers. The site also features a newsletter, downloadable material, and product reviews.

Readers will be able to find Matlock?s TSB articles in the site?s Dating section. Other authors, include TSB founder and dating advice author Bobby Rio, author of How to Talk to Women ( ) also contribute to the department.

Ian MacKay?s first TSB offering, Unleash your Beast, highlights his approach of using pop culture to illustrate his ideas. In this first article, the cultural example is provided by Hugh Jackman?s Wolverine, of X-Men fame. Mackay shows readers who Wolverine?s attitude, characteristics and approach to problems can be applied to real life, even though he is a completely fictional character.

Most of Mackay?s articles will appear in the Alpha Living and Inner Game sections of TSB. The Alpha Living department features articles that focus on the attitude that it takes to be successful in business and with women. This section also has profiles of famous and successful men. The Inner Game department has regular updates that offer advice about building confidence and self-esteem. Some articles are focused on developing confidence for specific situations, while others focus on general aspects of ?inner game,? which can be applied in any situation.

The majority of the articles and videos are related to success with women, dating, and how to text a girl. They even feature advice in video form here:

A complete selection of new TSB Magazine articles can be found at All newly published articles are found on the homepage.

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